Monday, 14 November 2011

UPDATE: Nailing It!

So a couple of weeks ago I did a post on my awful nails and let you all know that I was on a quest to finally get my nails in tip-top condition.

The first thing I went and did was to have a manicure. Just to trim, buff and shape (what there was to shape that is) kind of a fresh start. So I brought Sally Hanson Maximum Growth nail polish and the reason I chose this particular one is because it says that you will have "stronger, more beautiful nails in just 1 week".  One week! Quick results is exactly what I was looking for, I have no patience. This particular nail polish is aimed at those with"short nails that break and just won't grow" (that sums my nails up perfectly).

£4.67 availble from Boots

You have to apply one coat to your bare nails, then apply a new coat everyday for a week. As well as  doing this I also used cuticle oil everyday. After a week I definitely felt like my nails had grown a lot faster than they usually would have (although there were not long enough for me to rush out and get a french manicure or anything). Did my nails feel! Actually once I removed the polish my nails felt as weak as they did before I started the treatment. I trimmed my nails back down because there was no improvement and I rather them being short when in this condition, but I did this before taking a picture for you to see what the growth of the nails were like sorry guys. But to assure you would not of being gasping in amazement.

Next up I will be giving OPI Nail Envy a whirl, so keep an eye out for how that goes for me.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Snow Fairy

It is that time which means Snow Fairy is back (has being for weeks now). How can you not love this pink, sparkly, candy floss smelling shower gel. Get yourself down to Lush and go stock up now I intend to!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

Hey guys! So just to let you know I'm not around this weekend so no posts : (  
But just wanted to say hope you all have a very happy halloween whatever you doing. x x 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Avon Supershock Mascara

This is not a new mascara or anything but it is one I have started using recently so just thought I would share my thoughts. 

I love this mascara much to my surprise, because I didn't think I would. What I like about it is that I'm able to lengthen my lashes whilst adding volume, with quick application.The formula is not too wet but not to dry and I would say the brush was a medium sized brush (I've seen bigger). 
I have missing lashes on one eye (I had an infected stye when I was about 9, that looked like I had being punched in the eye...but that's another story) that have never grown back, so when putting mascara on I have to really make more effort on the eye with the dodgy lashes. This mascara made my dodgy lashes look pretty good, although I'll be honest and say I have being able to get my dodgy lashes looking a lot more fuller and thicker with other mascaras, but I literally have to apply layer, after layer, after layer, after....I think you get the point! I'm able to make my dodgy lashes look as if I never had that stye quickly with this mascara, which is perfect for when I don't have time to faff about. 

                                               This is how the mascara looks (forgot to curl my lashes)

Can you guess which is the eye with the dodgy lashes? You probably can, but if I hadn't of told you about it would you have being able to tell I have missing lashes?

This mascara is great if you want to get results quickly because the brush really grabs each lash and it's as easy to remove as it is to apply.

Have any you tried this mascara before? Can you recommend a mascara that you think would be great for my dodgy lashes?

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Should I?.....Shouldn't I?

GlossyBox launched and I said to myself, yeah not going to bother especially because I consider myself quite knowledgeable when it comes to beauty products.
For months I have read reviews and seen the lovely (and not so lovely) goodies people have received in their box and......I think I want to subscribe (I whispered that by the way).

So is it worth it and do you think I should just subscribe?

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

First Step To Nailing It!!!!

For someone who loves doing all she can to make the best of herself, my nails are awful!!!!!!! 
They go through stages of being decent enough to wear nail polish to being as hurrendous as the photo below (really did not want to post a picture of my horrible nails).
No matter what they split, peel and break. I'm now on a mission to improve my nails and thought I would post my progress along with products and treatments I'm using/have tried every couple of weeks.

   I will keep you updated with my progress.                  

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Back To Blogging!

Hey lovelies!'s being a while. I have had so much going on recently! Blogging seems to have taken a back seat.  At the back of my mind I was constantly thinking "gosh you have not blogged in ages woman" but even when I did have a quick moment I didn't  feel motivated. I think It was a mix of being really busy but also worried about things like my camera quality not being great for doing posts and whether anyone really wants to read what I'm writing about.

I attended TOWIB on Saturday and just feel totally motivated again, listening to everyone talking about their blogs and the pride they have is what I really found most motivating.
As well as blogging about beauty products, doing reviews and all that jazz, I have also decided that I will be blog about my journey to become a 'professional' makeup artist, so I 
will be posting some of my work and sharing my experiences. 

Anywho looking forward to doing many more posts and watching my baby grow.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage

Why it took me so long to get round to trying this concealer I have no idea. More fool me because its amazzinnngg! I have fairly scarred skin from having acne in my teens and I never wanted to use a full coverage foundation on a daily basis, as I still wanted the good parts of my skin to come through. Other concealers I have tried have being fine if I'm honest, but most of them have always had a creamy consistency. That combined with my oily skin type meant having to whip out my mirror throughout the day to do any touch ups.

The texture of this concealer is more waxy rather than creamy. When applied it stays....and I mean it stays!
There are two shades that you can custom blend, depending on your colouring at different times during the year. My forehead is slightly darker than the rest of my face and I have some pigmentation around the mouth, so this concealer is perfect for me because I'm using one product, but able to blend the correct tones for the different areas on my face.  The concealer is very pigmented and has amazing coverage so you only need a small amount of product to achieve a fantastic result!

If you're looking for a good under eye concealer look the other way!  This concealer is not designed for that 1. Because of the texture and 2. It is the kind of concealer that would get in fine lines under the eyes and make the area look cakey (not a good look on anyone). If you really wanted to use this under the eyes, then you could mix a little with some moisturiser or add a little to a creamier concealer for extra coverage if you feel you very have dark shadows.

I'm totally impressed with this and for £26.00 I think it is worth every penny. What concealers do you like?

Sad Times.....

This post is not beauty related whatsoever, but I felt like I needed to pay my respects to Amy Winehouse. She was found dead at her home today. A lot of comments on Twitter really annoyed me! Regardless of the circumstances, she was an amazingly talented young woman who will be missed. Hope your at peace now Amy x 

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Kim Kardashian Inspired

This makeup is inspired by Kim kardashian. If you want to see how I created this look check out my YouTube channel Tashamakesup

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


Today I'm wearing Peach Melba by Barry M, to remind myself it is still actually summer despite the weather!!!!

Decisions Decisions

How many of us have brought makeup that we end up not using, or end up buying because of the pleading look in the sales assistant's eyes? *Raises hand*
Yesterday while out shopping for makeup not only did I have the ongoing battle with myself of whether I actually NEEDED it, I had the sales assistant hovering around me trying to recommend everything else I should buy!

I then witnessed a woman (poor thing) being bombarded with a list of everything she could possibly need. She had a very unsure, not too confident look about what she was about to buy. She paid for her purchases but didn't walk away looking like a happy customer.

Ladies don't feel pressured into buying things. Just because the sales assistant suggests you should buy the whole collection ( okay so I've exaggerated a little, but you know what I mean) does not mean you have to! Don't get me wrong the sales assistants can be very helpful but whatever you buy, let it be completely your decision.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Recent Photo Shoot

Just a few Images from a recent photo shoot I did the make-up for, that I thought I would share. Let me know what you think 

New Favourite Gloss!!!

If you didn't know I have a major obsession with lip gloss. Probably because my lips are on the thinner side,  I'm always trying my best to make them look plump. I have tried  so many lip glosses but this has to be my favourite. Last week I brought this NARS gloss called Giza, which is the perfect nude shade for me, love love love! The texture is not sticky, but actually feels quite moisturising and the colour is very wearable and will look great teamed  with smokey eyes.

£17.50 Available at NARS                                                             


So on Saturday I met up with Natalie  and we attended the TOWIB event (The Only Way Is Blogging) organised by London Beauty Queen. I had such a lovely day, everyone was so friendly and I felt at ease straight away - which was a total relief!  Make-up Artist Katie Huges showed us 3 amazing looks using MUA  products, she did a fab job whilst dishing out tips and tricks.

We also had talk from a Dove skin care expert Andrew, about some of the products and how they work (he explained the science behind this so well, informative but without boring you to death part)

But besides meeting some amazing people, my favourite part of the day had to be the Q&A's session with blogging royalty British Beauty Blogger, Really Ree and the lovely London Beauty Queen. It was probably the things I heard in this session that gave me that last nudge I needed to start my blog....I was definitely inspired.

Lastly Really Ree spoke to us about Lauren's Way Tan. She showed us how to apply the tan which I was really impressed by, but more of that on a later post as I intend to use the tan and blog about it.

                                     Some of the things we got in our goody bags

The day was a complete success, but don't fret if you missed out as the next TOWIB event will be Saturday 15th October!  So put the date in your diaries people!!!!!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Hello and welcome!!!

So after deliberating with myself whether I could do the whole blogging thing, I have decided to give it a go. I will be blogging about everything beauty and as someone wanting huge success as a Make-Up Artist I'm sure I will be blogging about the ups and downs of that too.
Hope you enjoy guys  x x