Sunday, 16 October 2011

Back To Blogging!

Hey lovelies!'s being a while. I have had so much going on recently! Blogging seems to have taken a back seat.  At the back of my mind I was constantly thinking "gosh you have not blogged in ages woman" but even when I did have a quick moment I didn't  feel motivated. I think It was a mix of being really busy but also worried about things like my camera quality not being great for doing posts and whether anyone really wants to read what I'm writing about.

I attended TOWIB on Saturday and just feel totally motivated again, listening to everyone talking about their blogs and the pride they have is what I really found most motivating.
As well as blogging about beauty products, doing reviews and all that jazz, I have also decided that I will be blog about my journey to become a 'professional' makeup artist, so I 
will be posting some of my work and sharing my experiences. 

Anywho looking forward to doing many more posts and watching my baby grow.


♡Natalie said...

YAY!!! tasha is back in the game!! xxx

Tasha Makes Up said...

@Natalie lol, thanks x