Sunday, 25 March 2012

Product Of The Week #1

 I thought I would start a product of the week series where I put up a post about my favourite product that I have being using from my kit at the end of each week.

So without further adieu product of the week is........ Illamasqua's Gleam Cream! Wahoo!

I love this product and is definitely a staple in my kit.  Gleam Cream is a pearlescent highlighter cream. The reason why I love this so much is that it is not your obvious shimmery highlighter, it gives you that natural healthy glow that we are all after.

                           (Here is my hand without Gleam Cream and my hand with it applied)

You can use this on the face alone for that 'my skin is just radiant like this' look or underneath makeup. You can also use it on the body by mixing a little with your moisturiser. I like to do this and apply to my legs on a night out, gives me that all over 'Hollywood Glow'.

I love Gleam Cream and have used it several times this week as I have being creating a lot of dewy skins for spring/summer looks. This retails at £23 and worth every penny!

Has anyone tried this before?  What are your favorite highlighters?

Friday, 23 March 2012

No7 Melting Gel Cleanser

A couple of weeks ago I was in Boots just browsing as you do, when I saw this cleanser from No7. I had one of those £5 vouchers for No7 products so thought there was no better time to give it a try. I'm not going to go into too much depth as I want to give it a couple more weeks before I deliver my verdict. What I will say is that I have brought another one even though the tube I'm using hasn't even finished!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Natural Beauty

A couple of weekends ago I did the makeup for a shoot. The brief was simple and natural which is one of my favourite looks to do. The lovely model Madison was fantastic, such a lovely girl. Making her up wasn't hard she has great skin and is beautiful, winning combination really!

After prepping the skin using Dermalogica, I used Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation which is a great high street foundation if your looking for something that gives a healthy  natural looking glow, but all you oily skin gals I would avoid this foundation.  Like I said  Madison has lovely skin, so there wasn't much concealing going on. Underneath the eyes I used a little of the foundation mixed in with a small amount of concealer from my dermacolor palette. The only reason I did this is because the dermacolor concealers are great for covering up blemishes etc but are horrible used under the eye. It just ends up looking cakey and obvious, so by mixing the two products I get a light consistency with a tiny bit more coverage.

Now then the eyes, we did not want anything too heavy but wanted a little definition. Firstly I just used an eyeshadow the same colour as Madison's skin tone all over the lid and a warm brown eyeshadow softly lined around the eyes which you can see in the first image (sorry I do not remember the names of the eyeshadows but they are both from Bobbi Brown). Later on I use Mac's Satin Taupe on the lid with a little black eyeshadow as liner this is the look in the second image. To brighten and open up the eyes a little more I popped Cargo's eye lighter on the inner corners of the eyes. I curled lashes then used one of my favourite mascaras MaxFactor's False Lash Effect Fushion combing through with a clean mascara wand afterwards.

I powdered very lightly using a translucent powder from Illamasqua, then lightly applied Mac blush in Peaches (I have a love for peach toned colours). Madison has great lips, the whole time I was making her up I let her know how envious I was...anyway I used Revlon's nude attitude lipstick and to enhance the shape of the lips a bit more I used UNE's skin glow pencil on the cupid's bow. 

I'm really pleased with the way the images came out, it was a pleasure working with the lovely Madison. 

Let me know what you guys think. 

I'm Still Here

To say I have not blogged in a while would be an understatement! If I'm honest, I just got very busy with work and blogging became my last priority. I thought I would do a quick post to say that I'm still here and back to blogging. I love the blogging community and hope to be part of it. So I'm here to stay.....really I'am.