Sunday, 25 March 2012

Product Of The Week #1

 I thought I would start a product of the week series where I put up a post about my favourite product that I have being using from my kit at the end of each week.

So without further adieu product of the week is........ Illamasqua's Gleam Cream! Wahoo!

I love this product and is definitely a staple in my kit.  Gleam Cream is a pearlescent highlighter cream. The reason why I love this so much is that it is not your obvious shimmery highlighter, it gives you that natural healthy glow that we are all after.

                           (Here is my hand without Gleam Cream and my hand with it applied)

You can use this on the face alone for that 'my skin is just radiant like this' look or underneath makeup. You can also use it on the body by mixing a little with your moisturiser. I like to do this and apply to my legs on a night out, gives me that all over 'Hollywood Glow'.

I love Gleam Cream and have used it several times this week as I have being creating a lot of dewy skins for spring/summer looks. This retails at £23 and worth every penny!

Has anyone tried this before?  What are your favorite highlighters?

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